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Setting refractive index for an anisotropic material does not work


    • m.hoormann

      When I want to set an anistropic (n,k) material the new material does not take the refractive index values, but has only the values of 1, 1, 1. Also, I get the error "The material property, Refractive Index was not set. The property value must be a string or a matrix."

      I use the following python script to set the material:

      n_GaN = [2.4869, 2.3, 2.4869]
      material = "GaN"
      mode.setmaterial(mode.addmaterial("(n,k) Material"), "name", material)
      mode.setmaterial(material, "Anisotropy", 1)
      mode.setmaterial(material, {"Refractive Index": n_GaN, "Imaginary Refractive Index": [0, 0, 0]})
      Here, "mode" is defined as: 
      mode = lumapi.MODE()
      Do I have to define the values in anbother way?
    • Taylor Robertson
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Matthias,

      You have defined the indices of GaN as a list, but the materials need to be defined as a arrays, or using a string for the predefined materials in material library. In python [,,] creates a list data type which you need to convert to np array.


      This type conversion between python and lsf can get a little complicated. I would suggest keeping it as simple as possible.

      mode.setmaterial(material, "Refractive Index", np.array(n_GaN))
      mode.setmaterial(material, "Imaginary Refractive Index", np.array([0, 0, 0]))
    • m.hoormann

      Hello Mr. Robertson,

      thank you for the fast reply. Now it works. 



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