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Serpentine cooling channel battery pack simulation temperature problem

    • Kyu

      Hello, everyone.

      I'm working on the 12 cells serpentine cooling channel battery pack simulation. In the simulation the fluid(liquid-water)'s temperature doesn't change. In the area-weighted average temeprature graph, it keeps same as inlet temperature. And also in the temperature contour it keep same temperature. How can I fixt it.

      I setted up the conditions as below.

      [Cell Zone Conditions]

      Each battery cells are considered as heat source. 

      • Heat generation rate 42400 W/m^3 

      [Boundary Conditions]

      • velocity 0.3 m/s
      • temperature 298.15K


      • Heat transfer coefficient 10 W/m^2*K
      • Free stream temperature 300K
      • Heat generation rate 42400 W/m^3

      • Temperature 298.15K

      I attached a image of the model and results.

      Thank you!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you're passing heat from the solid to the fluid there shouldn't be any option for a HTC. The yellow faces in the mesh image imply you have an interface zone, so unless you've set that up you're not going to see heat entering the fluid: I'm not sure how you've got heat leavin the solid though. 

      • Kyu

        Thank you for your reply Rob. 

        Then If I want the heat passes through solid to fluid, what option do I choose? 

        And you mean if there are interface zones, Is it impossible to heat entering to the fluid?: The battery cells generate heat and cool by aluminum channel and the inside the liquid water flows. Then, the water temperautre also change. 

    • Kyu

      Thank you for your reply Rob. 

      Then If I want the heat passes through solid to fluid, what option do I choose? 

      And you mean if there are interface zones, Is it impossible to heat entering to the fluid?: The battery cells generate heat and cool by aluminum channel and the inside the liquid water flows. Then, the water temperautre also change. 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can have a solid-solid interface but the better option would be to connect the zones. Look at share topology in SpaceClaim or Discovery (depending on where you built the geometry). 

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