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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Self destruction of pattern function

    • Benjamin P.


      when using the pattern function, if we set it to 1, that destruct the pattern.

      This is a little bit annoying for parametric parts...




      Expected behaviour:

      Best regards, Benjamin

    • Atharv Joshi
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Benjamin P. ,

      Let me check this and will get back to you.

    • Atharv Joshi
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Benjamin P. 

      I tried to recreate your problem and found that "image 2" is expected behavior, if you are changing the count to 1 as shown in "image 3". It will keep the original component only. As you are using move to create pattern this is the expected behavior.

      You can try using linear pattern and other pattern feature options available from Design>>Create. Let me know if you need further assistance.

      Thanks and Regards

    • Benjamin P.

      Hi  Atharv Joshi , many thanks for your reply.

      I have found the linear reptition function in the design>create tab but the unfortunately the result is the same.

      Best regards, Benjamin

    • Atharv Joshi
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Benjamin P. ,

      Can you please provide more information on what exact issue is or a video about it? 

      Thanks and Regards

    • Benjamin P.

      Hi Atharv Joshi ,

      When i set the "nb of pcs" parameter to 1, everything is broken.

      Best regards, Benjamin

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    • Atharv Joshi
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Benjamin P. ,

      Thanks for sharing the video. I will check and get back to you.

    • Atharv Joshi
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Benjamin P. ,

      I was able to reproduce your problem at my end. When I tried changing the Count to 1, component in SpaceClaim lost the association with pattern. I am discussing it with the development and will let you know once I have any update.

      This issue is resolved in Discovery and pattern doesn't destroy when count is set to 1. So maybe till I get any update. Can you please try this in Discovery and let me know how it goes?

      Thanks and Regards

    • Benjamin P.

      Hello Atharv Joshi ,

      On my side, i cannot lanch the discovery application...

      Does it will replace spaceclaim in the future ? 

      Best regards, Benjamin

    • Atharv Joshi
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Benjamin P. ,

      Please try installing the patch from the given link January 2023 Subscription Licensing Issue - Knowledge Base - Ansys Discovery Forum and let me know if this resolves the problem.

      Thanks and Regards

    • Benjamin P.

      Hi again ! Atharv Joshi .

      Many thanks for your help, i am now able to use DISCOVERY.

      I'm struggling to understand what is the difference between SpaceClaim and Discovery ! It's seems that we have more capabilites with spaceclaim (but no simulation.)

      Can you tell me ?

      Best regards, Benjamin

    • Atharv Joshi
      Forum Moderator

      Thanks for the update Benjamin P.

      SpaceClaim is a legacy product from Ansys and provides capabilities for modeling, geometry cleanup, drawing sheet, sheet metal operations, reverse engineering etc. 

      Discovery on the other hand provides you most of these geometry related features with additional front up simulation helping you explore design variation, optimize and accelerate your product design cycle.

      You can go through this help documentation for more information About Ansys Discovery


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