

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Selection of nodes from inner part of hollow sphere

    • muhammad.abbasi

      if we have a hollow sphere and we want to apply a Dirichlet boundary condition in terms of temperature only the inner part of a sphere in ANSYS ADPL how we apply?

    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee


      For example if a hollow sphere with an inner radius of 2 units and an outer radius of 5 units. To define the temperature boundary condition to the inner surface nodes,

      CSYS, 2                          ! Actives the spherical coordinate system.

      NSEL, S, LOC, X, 2,,      ! Select the inner surface nodes, at a radial distance of 2 units.

      BF, ALL, TEMP, 100,       ! Define the thermal boundary conditions to selected nodes (inner surface)

      ALLSEL                           ! All select



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