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Script Error 800a000d in meshing

    • saburalikhan333

      Hi there, I am facing a problem whenever I launch mesh. It says Scrip Error (type mismatch 800a000d). I recently updated my laptop to Windows 11 version 24H2, maybe that might be the reason. My geometry imports perfectly fine in design modeler but in mesh this error pops up. 

      Please please help me to resolve this issue. Thank You! 

    • 21103072

      Yah I have the same issue have you found out a way to fix it?

      • saburalikhan333


        Yes, as of now Windows 11 24H2 update is not supported by Ansys. So I fixed the Scrip Error Type Mismatch 800a000d issue by reinstallig 23H2 update on my computer.

        To do so open SETTINGS in your PC/laptop then go to SYSTEM then scroll down to RECOVERY. Here you have to choose GO BACK option. Your device will go back to 23H2 version. It will take roughly 30 to 45 minutes. And dont worry non of your files or any data will be lost. Then you can use Ansys as normal. Based on what I’ve read, in Jan 2025 24H2 will be supported…so maybe pause your updates till the time, as Windows will automatically update outside active hours. 

        Thank You!!!


    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator

      Thanks for sharing this.


      Ashish Khemka

    • isaac.galeana.trujillo



      I don't have the option Go back available, what can I do? it is urgent

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Isaac,

      Yes, there is some issue with latest windows 11 update 24H2.

      Settings> System> Recovery> Go back, The Go Back method will only work if you downgrade to windows 10 within the 10 days of your upgrade (No Data Loss).

      When Go back option is grayed out, you have other options to rollback to windows 10 bit you might need to do some research on it or if this is your academic system then you can contact your IT they will help you (Data will be lost).

      May I know which Ansys application you are using, if we have any alternate we can share it?
      For Aqwa follow this JavaScript Runtime Error in AQWA Pre on Windows 11 (Version 24H2) 

    • isaac.galeana.trujillo

      Hi, sorry for the late reply. My laptop is new, so I can't Go back to win10. 

      I am using Fluent. For now I am opening everything separetly Spaceclaim → Fluent meshing → Fluent Solver → post. 

      I don't really like it this way but I have a thesis to deliver soon. 



    • mh15092008

      Is there a confirmed release date for the compatibility update of version 24H2?

      if there isnt what solution are there if avalibale ,am using work bench from it I would go to Fluid Flow (Fluent) then i would go to meshing process thats where the error code appers for me .

    • dimme32

      Hi, have you managed to solve the problem by any chance? If so, how did you do it? I need to present my thesis, and I’ve suddenly encountered the same issue.

    • dimme32

      I'm using Fluent, I open Design Modeler and apply the various functions, I open the mesh and I get this error

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee


      Please check the OS version as mentioned above.

    • biprojit

      Hi, there is no option to go back in windows systems settings,

      I have a paper to submit urgently so is there any wayout for the same error?

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