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S parameter sweep for ring modulator

    • l76124262

      I am currently designing a ring modulator and have successfully simulated the transmission under different bias voltages in FDTD. I noticed that the Optical Time Variant S-Parameter element in INTERCONNECT allows the import of S-parameters for modulators to simulate eye diagrams. However, in the official examples and FDTD’s sweep functionality, I only found methods for S-parameter sweeps of passive components.

      Could you please advise: how can I perform an S-parameter sweep for a modulator in FDTD? Is there a way to incorporate bias voltage variations into the sweep process and generate the corresponding S-parameters for use in INTERCONNECT's Optical Time Variant S-Parameter element simulation?


    • Kirill
      Ansys Employee

      Dear Subscriber,

      This topic appears to be a duplicate of S parameter sweep for ring modulator and will be closed.

      Thank you,

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