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S-Parameter Export from Ansys Maxwell Eddy Current Simulation

    • Jan Stoebe


      I want to perform an harmonic quasi-magnetostatic simulation with Ansys Maxwell (i.e. eddy current solver type) and export the matrix data as Z-Parameter or S-Parameter data in Touchstone format. I have two coupled inductors with a magnetic core. I used one closed loop current terminal for each inductor as an excitation ("Current Excitation"). After performing the analysis, I get Z-Matrix Data which I can export, either from a "Create EddyCurrent Report/Data Table" or from "Results/Solution Data/Matrix/Export/Export Solution". I cannot find a way to export tthe data in Touchstone format though. Is this possible?


      Thanks in advance,


    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Jan,

            To build Touchstone format file for Marix, you need to set "Frequency sweep" in Setup and have Matrix. After completing simulation, we should find "Network Data Explorer" by right clicking Setup. Please click this operation to export broadband and change file format to Touchstone.  



    • Jan Stoebe

      Thanks for your response. I tried following your instructions, but unfortunatley the option "Network Data Explorer" is greyed out. I am using AEDT 2023 R1. 

      Do you have a project, which you can share, where the feature is working? 

      Thx in advance, 


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