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Rotational Motion Actuator

    • aknaydn

      When we run the Rotational_Act_TR example in the examples in the Ansys Maxwell library, movement to +29 degrees is currently observed. Shouldn't there be a movement to 29 degrees in the other direction when the direction of the current changes?

      When the polarity of 5.97 V is changed in the external circuit and current is applied in the opposite direction, no change in torque, position and speed is observed.  Only the change in the current passing through the winding is observed. 

    • Timos
      Ansys Employee


      The reason that the Inner arm is stuck in the -29 deg position is that it is the least reluctance path that magnetic flux follows through the magnetic circuit. Even if you assign opossite current in the windining there will not be rotation as the magnetic field of the Inner arm will be perfectly aligned with the field of the outer arm so torque will not be produced.

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