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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Room simulation with enclosure (Internal & external flow)

    • Kalvin Alwi

      I try to simulate a room with both internal and external flow. I made the front enclosure as inlet and back as outlet. To my understanding, the air should flow through all holes (window, door, and vent) that i made at the room surface. But why all holes detected as walls in boundary condition. it should be internal (interior), am i right?

      Please help me, i put the details in the picture. Thank you. 



    • Sunil Lilhare
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, it is quite unclear from the given information whether how exactly you are trying to model the single room. However, if you are defining one inlet, that too on one of the sides of enclosure, then I would recommend you to create single solid room, then create enclosure around it, substract the solid room from enclosure to get only single fluid zone and then do the simulation after creating a good mesh. 

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