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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Rocky tutorial 14: fluent error

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan


      I was trying to solve tutorial 14 from ansys rocky tutorial guide, I'd like to know if you could please tell me what this means.

      I am on page 677, when i choose the fluent .cas.h5 file I see this error as shown above, since it's a standalone fluent setup file, I was not able to find the ansys file log to understand the error.

      This is the error I see on a file by name 'debug'
      [0517/151210.783:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(115)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale 
      [0517/151212.370:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(115)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale 

      Please advise.


    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Kiran,


      This is a 2-way coupled tutorial that recquires a Fluent license. If you already have it, you could check the version compatibility with your Rocky license. 


      Kind regards,


    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan

      I am using fluent 2023R2 and also Rocky 2023R2, could this be causing an issue?

      How can I know if the two versions are compatible?

      I do have license for both


    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan
    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Kiran, please check if you have a 'fluent' folder inside your Rocky installation folder (Program Files/Ansys Inc/v232/Rocky). Otherwise, try to re-install Rocky + checking the Fluent coupling checkbox on the client installer.

    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan

      Hello Lucas,

      Thanks for your reply, I do have the folder 'fluent' in my Rocky folder (Program Files/Ansys Inc/v232/Rocky).
      Can you please tell me about other reasosn as to why I'm seeing this error?

      I even tried installing rocky again to check if everything works but the issue is still the same.


    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee



      I would suggest you to uninstall the Ansys package, remove all the Program Files folders and reinstall the products (including Fluent). Then, reinstall Rocky with the Fluent coupling checkbox filled.


      Will think about something else... 



      • kiran.purushothamakeshavan


        The coupling was successful, thanks for your advice. 
        However, the 2 way coupled solution was not successful.

        I was unable to see the fluid particle interaction. 
        Please advise.


        • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
          Ansys Employee

          Hello Kiran, 


          how would you like to see the interactions? you can see the fluid side by coloring "CFD Coupling" entity in a 3D view by any property in Nodes, for example. To do this, create a new 3D view, make the walls transparent and click the CFD Coupling on the Data panel, go to the Coloring tab, make visible and check Nodes with the desired property.  

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