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Rocky Linux meshing issues

    • j.mcgarry

      I've installed Ansys 2024 R1 on a Rocky Linux 9.4 cluster for some users but I'm getting complaints that some parts of the software aren't working, e.g. Geometry Editor, Meshing Editor. I have also set up an Ubuntu 22.04 container, but experience the same problems. These are CPU based machines, so we're only working with integrated graphics in this environment. Apparently this has only been an issue since moving to 2024 R1. Though my assumption would have been that users would be doing pre/post-processing on a workstation with decent graphics support then use the cluster for batch solving.

      The Geometry Editor opens if I use the following commands then run the workbench:



      setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /soft/ansys_inc/v241/Framework/bin/Linux64/Mesa/

      /soft/ansys_inc/v241/Framework/bin/Linux64/runwb2 -oglmesa

      In this case, the Meshing Editor starts to load. There is a pop-up asking to select the colour theme for Ansys Mechanical. Once a theme is selected there is an output to the terminal:

      [Info] Server started at ws:// (actual port )

      The meshing window opens but is non-responsive. After it hangs for a while there's eventually a message in the workbench:

      Error! Unable to start the Meshing editor.

      There are no error messages output into the terminal at this point, so I'm not sure where to even start troubleshooting this. Any advice would be appreciated.

    • MangeshANSYS
      Ansys Employee


      Yes ideally the pre / post processing should happen on machines with workstation class graphics cards with newer graphics driver versions.

      how are you accessing X on the cluster? interactively or through some remote display / X forwarding ? 
      woes it work if you do not set the LIBGL variables and only set th eLD LIBRARY  PATH and start workbench with oglmesa flag

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