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.Rnnn files were not found error while running prestress modal analysis

    • tb908

      I am facing one error while running prestress modal analysis. I have kept "Yes" under manual restart settings in static structural. I can see all the Rnnn files in the MECH folder but don't know why solver is unable to pick them. When I start Prestress modal analysis, the solver shows error as attached. (Using 2022R2 Version)
      Please help.

      Thank you.

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Nikhil,

      It might be due to the incorrect generation of restart points. By default, the prestressed modal analysis is run as a restart analysis from the preceding static analysis, and restart points are saved only at the last time step. To fix this, go to Analysis Settings in the Static Structural analysis, find Restart Controls, and change the Generate Restart Points to Manual. Then, set the Load Step to All. Also, make sure that you use the same number of cores while running both analyses. 


      Akshay maniyar

    • tb908

      Hi Akshay,

      I have already used that setting. (manual restart point). Still facing the issue.

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Nikhil,

      To restart an analysis, you need restart files such as *.rdb, *.ldhi, *.rnn files etc. See if these files are available in the folder. If it is available, you can restart the analysis. Otherwise, it is not possible to restart the analysis. You should have enabled restart points in the details of analysis settings for these files to be available. See the help section for more details:

      Restart Controls (ansys.com)

      Go to Analysis settings --> Restart control, set Retain files = Yes, and combine restart files = yes. This will create the required restart point that the buckling will need. Also, under Analysis data management, use Future analysis = Prestressed analysis.


      Akshay Maniyar

    • tb908

      Hi Akshay, I have already enabled all those options and the files you are mentioning were there in the solver folder. I ran the analysis in upgraded version now (2023R1,  earlier I was using 2022R2) and it has solver the prestressed modal analysis now.



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