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Reynolds number variation along a pipe

    • Diego

      Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a simple simulation about head losses produced in a pipe and the influence of meshing on the results I get. The thing is that first I've tried to calculate using a fixed velocity inlet as a boundary conditions (Re=1e+3 for a R=1e-2 and a U=5e-2). The thing is that close to the wall, I see that my velocity profile is not equal and deppends on the mesh, but as velocity is not increasing, I get a different flow rate and because ofthat, a different Re. Then I've tried to fix this by selecting the mass flow rate option but instead of correct it, it gives me back the same results as before, how can I increase my velocity in order to obtain the same flow rate? As seen in the image, different meshing gives me different profiles, but as velocity is "fixed", I'm not obtaining the same flow rate

      Thanks in advice

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      which turbulence model you are using?

      how is the mesh?

      can you please insert some zoomed in images. 

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