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Reverse movement problem

    • jvalencin

      Hello everyone,

      I'm writing to you because I'm faced with a problem that I can't seem to solve.
      I don't think it's a very complex problem, but after hours of research, I can't manage to solve it on my own.

      To keep things simple, I've prepared a few views of my calculated machine.

      It's a machine with an electric motor. This machine is mounted on springs. I've shown the bases of my suspensions (it's only visual, I know it's not compulsory to show them) and these bases are fixed.

      This machine is deliberately unbalanced, hence the forcing you'll see in the accompanying images.

      Then I've represented my springs with a bushing-type contact.
      This method works very well and I don't question it.

      However, when I get the results of my harmonic calculation (after a modal for the structural modes), I realise that only the subbases are moving whereas they are supposed to be fixed. I've tried changing the fixed face, inverting my bushing and checking my input parameters, but I can't find a solution.


      Do any of you have any idea where this problem might be coming from?

      Thank you in advance.

      (I'm adding extra images to show you my analysis parameters and results)

    • jvalencin

      I finally found the answer to my question on my own.

      I'm posting it here in case other people have the same problem, and it was very simple...

      I simply created a harmonic calculation in the drag and drop from my modal solution on Workbench...
      So all I had to do was go to the Mechanical tree, go to prestressing and choose my Modal calculation so that it took into account my Modal input data and therefore my fixed supports.

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator

      Thanks for sharing the solution!



      Ashish Khemka

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