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Response spectrum results

    • monteptr

      Hello! I´m working on response spectrum analysis to evaluate the colission condition of one component, I see that the results shows a Time of 0s, as you can see in the picture, and I want ask you why is not possible to see the time step here?

    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee


      Unlike transient dynamic analysis, RSA does not solve for the system's response at incremental time steps. Instead, it combines the peak responses (e.g., using methods like SRSS or CQC) to estimate the worst-case scenario.
      ANSYS displays the results at "Time = 0s" as a placeholder to indicate that these are not tied to a time progression. It signifies that the displayed results are static in nature, representing the maximum responses meaning the worst case scenario.

      To get info on this you can check out this course

      Mohan Urs

    • monteptr

      Thank you for the information.

      • mohan.urs
        Ansys Employee


        Happy to help, Closing the thread as resolved. Feel free to open new discussions if you have any more doubts.

        Mohan Urs

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