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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Residuals contours

    • felice_lucivero

      Hello everybody,

      I am running a 2D simulation in Fluent, but I am facing some troubles with convergence.

      I would like to plot the residuals contours to spot where the problem is.

      There exists any way to do this?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can't plot the residuals (good idea though). Mass balance is available in the contour plots, focus more on the high/low parts of the scale over the values. 

      Depending on what is causing the problems I also suggest looking at velocity and temperature contour plots with node values on and then off. You're looking for badly resolved gradients. 

      How are the monitors looking?

    • felice_lucivero

      Hello Rob,

      where can I find the mass balance in the contour plots?

      Here is a close up of the highest temperture gradients within the domain:

      Here is the velocity contour plot:

      Just to give you an idea.

      Thank you

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      In the Residuals bit, Mass Imbalance, so I was nearly right. 

      Looking at the images I'd focus attention on the blue "lines" in the top image and green-ish line in the lower: there's an obvious streak in the results. 

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