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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Remove Material in Mechanical

    • benedikt.gross
      I have the following problem which I would like to solve in a mutli step analysis:
      1) Expanding the metal sleeve (steel, elastic/plastic material model, 1/4 model) with a mandrel (carbide, elastic material model).
      2) In the expanded state, material is removed so that the sleeve is cylindrical again.
      3) Remove mandrel
      Point 1 and 2 can be implemented without any problems. Is it possible to implement point 2?
      If yes, do you have any ideas?

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator

      Do you intend to ask if you can implement point number 3? If you do not want the mandrel then you can have the contact between the mandrel and other bodies deactivated (using contact step control) in the third step.

      Regards Ashish Khemka
    • benedikt.gross
      Hi akhemka I am sorry. There is an error in my
      first post...
      I cannot implement step 2. Step 1 and Step
      3 work without problems. In step 2, I want to remove the material of the sleeve
      that is larger than the diameter in step 1. My question is if it is possible to
      adjust the geometry in Mechanical, and if so, how?
      Kind regards
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