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Topics related to Speos.

Relay Lens Optimization

    • hsya222

      I am VERY new to optics and Zemax, since this is for a senior capstone project.

      I am working with Thorlabs lenses for a relay system that does not change magnification or orientation. I need help determining if this spacing of lenses will give an eye relief of ~17.5mm. The distance from my objective lens and the last lens from the previous sytem I am relaying is ~17.5mm. I did the math and have distances between principal planes calculated, but am unsure on if this is actually a feasible design. The last two lenses are a Kellner Lens with a single relay lens surrounded by field lenses in the middle. 

      Object Space NA: 0.33035

    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Subscriber,

      Thank you for reaching out to us! This type of questions that have to do with optical design advise is out of the scope for Ansys employees. Hence, I am not able to provide you much of detailed answer here. 

      However, our forum is welcoming all of Zemax users to discuss there design concerns and provide each other help. 

      That been said, my team and I had look around and foun this discussion thread that I think is a good starter for your question: Relay and Field Lenses | Zemax Community

      Kind Regards,


    • bradleyearnest006

      Your project sounds interesting and challenging, especially with the use of Thorlabs lenses in a television system. Calculating the principal plane distances and checking the design feasibility is important.

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