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Regarding Volumetric Energy Source to heat liquid steel in induction heatinig

    • kavatar

      Hello Everyone,

      Can anyone tell which variable, in ANSYS Maxwell-3D calculator, will give me volumetric energy source in each cell of the mesh?

      From the literature and Maxwell-3d help notes, I think, I need to export "Ohmic_Loss" variable from Maxwell Calculator. Is this correct or some other variable represent heating source? 

      Problem definition- I have x,z and z coordinate of the mesh from ANSYS Fluent, I want to heat liquid steel from, let's say, 1650K to 1700K via induction heating. Towards this, I have already run the eddy current solution in Maxwell corresponding to induction furnace coil arrangement. Due to low Magnetic Reynolds number, while performing electromagnetic simulations, liquid steel is velocity is ignored. Therefore, it has been treated like solid material in Maxwell-3D simulation. I want to export the heat source data from Maxwell-3D at the mesh coordinates (x,y,z) to apply them as energy equation source in ANSYS Fluent. 

    • Ivonne Marti
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Kavatar,

      The Ohmic loss will be the quantity we pass from Maxwell to Fluent.

      There are 2 “automatic paths” to pass the information. One is using Workbench Platform. Here you can drag&drop the Maxwell solution into the Fluent setup.

      The other option is to transfer the losses using System Coupling. In this case I would suggest following this workshop:


      The mesh cannot be shared between Maxwell and Fluent because the mesh quality needed to obtain good results is different. But if you follow any of the above options you do not need to worry about mesh interpolation.


    • kavatar

      Hello Ivonne,

      Thanks for responding.

      I tried to open the link but access was denied. I will look into it.

      I agree that required mesh quality to obtain good results will be different. But, in principle, I can export the Ohmic loss values at every grid point of fluid flow mesh, using Maxwell-3d calculator. 

      I have followed this same procedure to perform electromagnetic stirring, wherein I exported the value of electromagnetic force using Maxwell-3D calculator. In this, first, I stored the fluent mesh cell centres (with the help of a UDF) in a text file, then copied it to a file with name "mesh.pts". Subsequently, used this "mesh.pts" file in Maxwell-3D calculator to export the Lorentz force. Later, with the help of UDF I could supply them back as source term to momentum equations in fluent case file.

      Can I follow the same procedure to export ohmic loss on "mesh.pts" file, and then apply the ohmic losses as source to energy equation? or will it lead to more interpolation error?




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