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Regarding the issues with two-way coupling between AEDT Icepak and HFSS

    • 576650550

      Regarding the issues with two-way coupling between 2024 R1 AEDT Icepak and HFSS: 1. When importing losses, the EMLoss on the ports is also imported into Icepak, but this part of the loss should not be imported. 2. After multiple iterations, the solution suddenly fails. Both are showing the following error:

      Solving adaptive frequency ..., process hf3d error: Invalid input on finite conductivity boundary: not supported in impedance calculation: non-positive conductivity on ifc_default_14 at 3.000000e+10 Hz... Please contact Ansys technical support. 

    • Jason.k
      Ansys Employee

      Hello 576650550, 

      Thank you for reaching out to Ansys Learning Forum! 😄

      It seems that for 30GHz, this material gives a non-positive conductivity. In case you have defined that in a frequency dependent way, please, make sure that for the whole frequency domain, its conductivity remains positive. 

      Warm regards, 

      • 576650550

        Thank you


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