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Regarding Ansys User Creep Subroutine to access stored Array values

    • Ravi Khandelwal

      Hello All,

      I am looking for some hint to access the Array variable which is created and stored in Ansys db file and would like to use those values in the Ansys User Creep Subroutine.

      Do you have any idea how to access these Array variables into the User Creep Subroutine?

      I also tried to search at this page 

      Chapter 3: Accessing the Mechanical APDL Database


      But not able to get the way to access user defined array inside the creep subroutine.

      Could some one please help.




    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Please see if the following thread helps you:

      Ansys usercreep subroutine


      Ashish Khemka


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