

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Reference Values in Fluent

    • Sakun


      I am simulating a single compressor blade in fluent and i would like to know what sort of a values, i have to put for Area and Length in the Reference Values section.

      According to the picture, blue arrows indicates the surface of the INLET.



    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      If you want to compute reference values from the conditions set on a particular boundary zone, select the zone in the compute from drop-down list. Note, however, that depending on the boundary condition used, only some of the reference values may be set. For example, the reference length and area will not be set by computing the reference values from a boundary condition; you will need to set these manually.

      For more details, you can refer to fluent user's guide: 38.12. Reference Values (ansys.com)

      Thank you.

      • Sakun

        Thank you very much for the reply,

        I do get what Reference Values section means but the problem is what does it mean by Length ? according to my 3D model i have selected INLET (surface that pointing blue arrows) to initialize the computation. So as for the Length value, what should i put because INLET is just a surface that airflow come in to my 3D model domain.


    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      For the reference length it should be approximately the length of your geometry that is normal to the designated flow. You can try entering projecting length.

      Thank you.

      • Sakun



        Thank you very much for the reply, 

        Since the airflow coming at an angle from left side to right side, i should be using length that indicated in RED right (as shown in the attached picture ) ?





    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      Yes you can continue running simulation.

      • Sakun

        Sure, thank you very much for the clarification.

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