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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Referance Temperature of The Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient

    • yusuf uzun


      I am using Semi-Mechanistic Boiling Model. It says,  in theory guide, that the nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficient is calculated using the Forster and Zuber correlation. There are several fluid properties in this correlation. At what temperature are these properties calculated? Bulk temperature or something.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I'm fairly sure most are wall or near wall cell values, but if it's not clearly stated in either the manual or references I'm not able to comment in detail. You may want to read the 24R1 Fluent Beta options too. 

      • yusuf uzun

        There is no explanation about at what temperature the liquid properties are calculated( thermal conductivity, density, viscosity...) in Theory or User Guides.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Check the model advanced settings - it's based on those. 

      • yusuf uzun

        Do you mean the section that i marked at image. If so, I don't know what and how to check.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      To the left of the highlighted block - Boiling Model Reference Quantities. 

    • yusuf uzun

      Theory Guide says that Reference Velocity and Temperature variables are used to calculate Reference Reynolds Number. Theory guide does not say the same thing about Forster and Zuber correlation.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Looks like there are a few places to get the various equations & notes, and not every model will be specifically mentioned in every place. 

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