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Reading/writing profiles

    • javat33489

      Hello everyone.
      I would like to return to the calculation of the centrifugal wheel and writing/reading the profile.
      When I write/read the profile, it is written but not read and returns an error.
      I described in detail how I did it. I also attached the file of the recorded profile. Please take a look, help.
      The wheel looks like this:

      1. Assign the profile record to the outlet:

      2. Perform the calculation, wait for convergence:

      3. Read the profile:


      4. Specify the offset of the recorded profile from the outlet to the inlet:

      5. Set the recorded profile to the boundary condition of the inlet:

      6. Perform initialization.

      Run the calculation.
      We get an error:

      Profile file:


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please post the contents of the file as staff are not permitted to open/download anything. Why are you writing the profile before running the model? 

      • javat33489

        Sir, I assigned a file for recording and ran the calculation, as a result of the calculation, the data was written to it. Did I do something wrong?
        Sir, I can't publish the profile file, there are 6000 lines.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      In which case, can you post the first few lines of the file? Profiles tend to be a "write once" set up, so I wouldn't expect anything to be automated. 

      • javat33489

        Yes sir, here is the beginning of the file:

      • javat33489


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That looks OK. Does that x-position agree with the inlet?

      • javat33489

        Yes sir.
        I wrote it like this, didn't I? That I move it from the outlet to the inlet so that the water from the outlet starts flowing into the inlet again.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Looks OK. Build a very simple model, eg a pipe. See if that works. 

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