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Reading RGP file in FLUENT (Beta)

    • harrivin

      In the ANSYS 2020 R1 FLUENT Beta features manual, it is stated that RGP files used in ANSYS CFX can be used in ANSYS FLUENT as well. 


      To read the RGP file, it is stated earlier in the same section 6.1 that we should refer to section Specifying Variables in a Tabular Format. 


      When we navigate to section Specifying Variables in a Tabular Format, it is stated that the tabular file will need to be a tab- or space- delimited text file. 


      Now, I have already completed a run using an RGP table in ANSYS CFX. I would like to replicate this in ANSYS FLUENT. The RGP file I used is in a .rgp format, hence it is not accepted by FLUENT. When I save the .rgp file as a tab delimited .txt file and try to read it in, I get the error: 

      Error: GENERAL-CAR-CDR: invalid argument [1]: improper list

      Error Object: ()


      This error also manifests when I try to read in the .rgp file. 

      Am I missing a step to read the RGP file in FLUENT? 

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      The same file can be use. Recreate the file for consistency and use the example provided in the Beta Feature manual. Let me check it and will get back here again!

    • harrivin

      I created the RGP file using a 3rd party MATLAB script, but I don't think that should cause a problem since RGP files should have the same format right? I am reusing the same RGP file I used for CFX in FLUENT. I will attach it here if you would like to take a look. 

      I tried to create an RGP file using the System Coupling batch file as stated in the Beta manual, but I was unable to locate where the created RGP file is saved to. A search of the ANSYS folder in my C-drive failed to locate the file. 


    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      I am an ANSYS employee: I won't look into your attachments. 

      I am able to create a file today and it has been created in the directory where I executed the script.

    • harrivin

      Therefore, if I ran the script from 

      C:Program FilesANSYS IncANSYS Studentv201SystemCouplingbin

      the file should be created in the same directory, correct? 


    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      should be created where you run the script.


      Example: Open command window, navigate to the folder you need (where you placed the python script), from there now launch the command you just posted and run the script.

    • harrivin

      Thank you Amine. 

      I have managed to create the RGP file. I misunderstood the instructions earlier. I was running the batch file directly from the folder instead of running it through the command prompt. 

      Now I have a working FLUENT RGP file, with which I can investigate why my CFX RGP file is rejected by FLUENT. 

      Thank you.

    • aprlina
      DrAmine,nnI am having a similar problem. I am able to create the RGP files as per the instructions in the Beta features manual, however when I try to import the files into fluent via the Table File Manager they just show up as $$$$header and there's no option to use them for the fluid properties. It's like the Table File Manager does not interpret them correctly.n
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      If you open the exported file does it look sensible? n
    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      In which version are you trying to read? In which version have your created the table?n
    • ryancai
      Excuse me, could you please tell me how to write a script file for ansys system coupling?nThank youn
    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      It is mentioned in the Fluent Beta Manual.n
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