

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Ratio of mass fractions

    • vikoviko3009

      Hi all, 

      Im simulating the mixing of hydrogen and air in a 2d geometry and i want to compute and plot for each point of the grid the following ratio (see below), something like a contour plot. The mass flow rates are defined as integral over the area of density, normal velocity and mass fraction. How can I compute this?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Fluent has volume fraction data, and we also know the volume of a cell and it's density. You can then work out the mass of each species and from there the mass fraction. I'd use Custom Field Functions, but I suspect Expressions will also work. 

    • vikoviko3009

      Thank you for the answer, but could you tell me how to asses the voulme fraction data?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      In a calculation? Either in a Custom Field Function or an Expression: both are covered in the User's Guide. 

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