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Random geometry lines in Mechanical

    • Matthew Little

      I import my .SAT file into SpaceClaim and do some editing there (defeaturing, sharing surface) and everything looks good there.  Then load up Mechanical and the geometry is messed up with random lines in space that aren't connected to the body.  The issue is, when I go to mesh, ANSYS tries to force elements onto that line which causes a bad mesh.

      Anyone have any insight as to what's going on here?  Can I somehow delete these random lines in Mechanical?  It seems like an edge of one of these openings disassociates with the geoemtry, since i can not select a certain edge.  SpaceClaim appears to be okay with the geometry.


    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      hi Matthew,

      Are you able to select these lines and use hide all other bodies option:

      If yes, check if it is standalone body or connected to any other body, you may need to use cleanup tools in SpaceClaim to get rid of them.


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    • Matthew Little

      Hello Aniket,

      I can not select the lines directly, but am able to select the body they are associated with and hide all others (when doing that, the body and the random line are the only objects on the screen).

      Any recommendations with what to do in SpaceClaim to clean it up?  I do not see any issues in SpaceClaim.  Maybe it is a hidden issue with the geometry.

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