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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Random crash with dynamic mesh in parallel fluent

    • Lutz Rohlfing

      License: Student 2024 R1


      I want to simulate the interaction between two opposing rotor blades. I use a UDF to move the blade surfaces in my domain. I use dynamic meshing to remesh at every time step. If I run the simulation on the four maximum allowed CPU cores, Fluent randomly closes without an error message. The only thing I could find in the log file is:

      Error [node 999999] [time 5/10/24 1:20:45] Abnormal Exit!

      The simulation runs fine when only using one CPU core.

      This is my UDF:

      #include "udf.h"

      static real omegaY=0.0;

          NV_S(vel, =, 0.0);
          NV_S(omega, =, 0.0);

          omegaY= -2.6915;

      Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this? This significantly prolongs my calculation time.

    • Rajat Chaudhari
      Ansys Employee

      Hi ,

      I dont see any issue in UDF,can you please try using less number of cores instead of using full capacity of CPU once.




      • Lutz Rohlfing

        Hi Rajat,

        Thanks for your response. I don't exactly understand what you mean. When I run Fluent on four cores, it crashes; however, it works fine on one core. Should I test with other numbers of cores, like two or three?

        Kind regards,


    • Rajat Chaudhari
      Ansys Employee

      Yes can once try with 2 or 3 cores ?

      • Lutz Rohlfing

        I will try this and come back when i tested it, thanks!

      • Lutz Rohlfing

        Hi Rajat,

        i tried out what you suggested, but i again encountered this crash. What else could be the reason?

        Kind regards 


    • Rajat Chaudhari
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Lutz

      Is it happening for other dynamic mesh cases also when you run them in parallel mode ? or is it with this speific case only ?

      And are you getting this error while running the case or at the time of loading UDF itself ?





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