Kampus Merdeka

Kampus Merdeka

Questions about Engineering Data

    • axb1492
      I’m relatively new to ANSYS and will need some assistance from time to time. I hope I can find the support I need here. For now, I have the following questions:
      1. How can I connect or couple the "Engineering Data" to any project within the Workbench, as shown in the first attached image? Is it possible to do this if the "Engineering Data" is located at the bottom of the project tree?
      2. I accidentally closed the properties chart (graph) in the "Engineering Data" section (as shown in the second attached image) and haven’t been able to restore it. Could you guide me on how to bring it back?
      Thank you in advance for your help!
    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator
    • axb1492

      This is very helpful, thanks!

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