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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Question on Remote Forces

    • K Kramer


      if a remote force is applied to a set of points with "deformable" behavior, how is the load distributed to the individual points (cf. image)? Or is the solution carried out in a different way?

      Many thanks

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee


      Please check the below AIC video on remote points.

      Utilizing Remote Points Properly - Lesson 4 - ANSYS Innovation Courses


      Akshay Maniyar

    • K Kramer


      I did, but alas the video does not really elaborate on the question. In order to be able to solve the system of equations, the remote point must be linked to the scoped nodes in the global stiffness matrix through some mathematical relation, the nature of which i would like to understand (if the remote force point was just a dependent point whose displacement is computed as the mean (or some other measure) of the displacements of the scoped nodes, its displacement could simply be calculated ex post and the application of forces to the remote point would make no sense).

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee


      Deformable behavior is similar to the Mechanical APDL constraint defined by the RBE3 command and rigid is similar to the CERIG command. Please check the Ansys help link for more details about force distribution.

      RBE3 (ansys.com)

      CERIG (ansys.com)


      Akshay Maniyar

    • K Kramer


      Ah, ok. So from what I gather, the force at the remote point is distributed to the scoped nodes in equal parts if behavior is set to "deformable" (since no weighting factors are specified)?


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