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Question for RMxpert..

    • min el

      Question for RMxpert..

      Now I'm trying to solve the out rotor PMSM Motor using RMxpert..
      Today I'm just beginner for RMxpert software, please let me have the instruction how to solve this problems...

      1. Winding..
      My target is to solve 36 slot and 42 poles outer rotor motor.. when I set up the this slot and poles combination, the Rmxpert set winding as something like skip winding..
      I mean the original motor has UU VV WW UU VV WW winding.. but in Rmxpert, there is winding like U skip V skip W U skip V skip W... How can I correct this situation??

      2. Winding
      My target motor has 8 bundles of diameter 0.9mm wire and 7 turns per slot... but I do not know how to simulate the 8 wire bundles of 0.9mm diameter wire... when you have the information, please let me know of it. actually I change the wire diameter which has same wire area of 8 bundles of diameter 0.9mm wire.

      3. Manual or tutorial.
      Please share the information where can I have the manual of RMxpert or Manual, I try to find out through the googling, but actually failed.

      Thanks in advance.

      Best regards.

    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee

      Hi min el,

      1. In the winding window for winding type select "Editor". Then Goto Machine>winding>Edit layout

        Then on the popup window, you can customize the winding configuration.
      2. Winding information can be input on the winding window. 8 is the number of strands and calculate the conductors per slot according to the number of turns. you can choose the wire diameter also which is the diameter of each strand.
      3. Not exactly on the outer rotor, but you can refer to the inbuilt examples that come with the installation (File>Open examples>RMxprt). 
        Also, look at the below path 

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