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Query about surface recombination velocity and Defect energy level in Charge

    • 1906011

      I am simulating a perovskite solar cell and recreating a work which was done in scaps-1d software. Now I have two queries about converting the data in the table into data usable in lumerical charge file.
      1. In the third column of the table it contains data about defect energy level above Ev. But in lumerical charge file the data is taken as input as compared to Ei not Ev. How can I convert the data to be usable as input in lumerical charge file?
      2. Using the data from column 3,4,5,6, how can I calculate the surface recombination velocity that would be used in boundary condition of charge file?

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Unfortunately we do not have formulas to convert those data to what CHARGE needs. Please search some reference papers and books. sorry for that.

      The standard boundary conditions for CHARGE can be found here: https://optics.ansys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034918833-Boundary-Conditions-in-CHARGE-Simulation-Object 

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