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python API scripting Interconnect

    • Fatemeh Salahshoori



      I am using Python for scripting my simulation. I have simulated a waveguide using FDE and saved data using this command 

      FDE = lumapi.MODE()

      data = FDE.copydcard("frequencysweep")
      FDE.savedcard("data.ldf", data)


      Now I want to load this ldf file in interconnect for the waveguide mode element. When i use the "loaddata" command I get this error 'Unsupported data type'

      could you please tell me how can I load this file into the waveguide mode element in interconnect?
      Thank you.



    • Kyle
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, you can load the mode data into the MODE Waveguide Element by setting the "ldf filename" property of the element to the file path for the LDF file. You can do this through script with these commands:

      intc = lumapi.INTERCONNECT()

      intc.addelement("MODE Waveguide")

      intc.set("ldf filename", "data.ldf")

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