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pydpf-core model from a .rst file does not have all the results available


    • alejandro.fernandez
      I use pydpf-core to create a model from a .rst file with results from an ANSYS APDL electromagnetic simulation, with Solid97 elements:
      from ansys.dpf import core as dpf
      model = dpf.Model(r"C:.....rst")
      The issue is that not all the results included in the .rst file apear in the Available results of the pyansys model created:
      Available results:
      - electric_potential: Nodal Electric Potential
      - element_nodal_forces: ElementalNodal Element nodal Forces
      - elemental_volume: Elemental Volume
      - stiffness_matrix_energy: Elemental Energy-stiffness matrix
      - artificial_hourglass_energy: Elemental Hourglass Energy
      - thermal_dissipation_energy: Elemental thermal dissipation energy
      - kinetic_energy: Elemental Kinetic Energy
      - co_energy: Elemental co-energy
      - incremental_energy: Elemental incremental energy
      - elemental_heat_generation: Elemental Elemental Heat Generation
      - structural_temperature: ElementalNodal Temperature
      - electric_flux_density: ElementalNodal Electric flux density
      Here are missing important results as the magnetic vector potential, magnetic flux density and magnetic field. These results are actually included in the .rst file and can be normally accessed through the ANSYS Mechanical APDL application.
      How can this problem be fixed? Thank you.
      An issue ticked with further information has been created in the ansys/pydpf-core Github:
    • Mike Rife
      Ansys Employee

      Hi AlejandroFN

      There is not much you can do sticking only with PyDPF.  Solid97 element type was 'undocumented' at version 17 so...8 major releases ago.  While PyDPF is very new and open source.  Meaning that it's result file reader is new.  So the only PyDPF fix is to request a feature creation on the PyDPF GitHub site, which you have done.  But I'd suggest that you also make a better case as to why the PyDPF developers should take this on.  You are kind of in a tough spot asking them to develop new functionality for an MAPDL feature that does not exist anymore (from a developers perspective).  Have you considered using an supported element type like solid236?  

      You may want to try the PyMAPDL Reader instead of PyDPF.

      Alternatively you can use PyMAPDL.


    • alejandro.fernandez

      Hi Mike,

      Thank you very much for your response. I am trying PyMAPDL, it seems very useful and appropriate fo my purposes, very good suggestion, thanks!


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