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Push Excitations not working in dynamic link

    • philtran

      Push Excitations not working in dynamic link

      I am having the same problem as discussed in the post above. Is there a resolution to this problem? I am using Ansys Electronics Desktop 2024 R1.


    • Praneeth
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Phil,

      Thank you for reaching out to the Ansys learning forum.

      Please provide more information on what you mean by push excitations not working in dymanic link.

      Best regards,
      Click here to join Electronics Community and build a network.

    • philtran

      In circuit designer, I have created an impedance matching network for an antenna that I have designed to be matched to a 50 Ohm source. I then push the excitation back into my hfss model, but neither the return loss nor the realized gain of the system changes in the HFSS design. When going to the edit sources menu, the magnitude is shown to be pwl(mode_Ant3_mag,Freq) and the phase is pwl(mode_Ant3_phs,Freq), so I know that some sort of excitation from the circuit designer was pushed back to the HFSS model. I just do not know the values of the excitation pushed.

      Ansys Employee

      Hi Philtran,

      If you check Help documentation (Circuit Help PDF and HFSS help PDF) GainTotal, RealizedGain, S-parameters are not updated with Push excitation in Ansys HFSS.
      Field quantities such as rE , nearETotal, magE and SystemGain are getting updated with push excitation from circuit to Ansys HFSS.
      You should check System gain and System efficiency after push excitation in HFSS and check S-parameter with matched network from circuit simulation only. The S-parameters are not updated in HFSS after creating matching network in circuit.


    • philtran

      Okay, I did not know that. Thank you for the info.

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