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Pulverized coal combustion: products of CPD equation dissociates infinitely

    • Stemphanie_anansu
      What this image refers to, the devolatilization of coal by CPD equation during the combustion of pulverized coal
      So I want to make sure that this CxHyOz is the product generated by the coal calculator after I input the CPD parameters, right? Is this product the 'vol' in the first reaction in the reactions?
      Also how do I set the reaction parameters for the 'pseudo-volatile first dissociates via an infinitely fast reaction,' as mentioned in the picture?
      How do I set the Arrhenius Rate, Pre-Exponential is very high and then Activation Energy is very low? Is it possible to help me with a reference example as a numerical value?
      Thank you!
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      There's https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v232/en/flu_th/flu_th_sec_disp_law4.html in the manual, and nothing else that I can see that's on the public side of our knowledge base. Other (non Ansys) users may be able to add more. 

      • Stemphanie_anansu

        Thank you for your reply.
        But the equations within the URL given did not find the answer to my question
        I hope to be able to get more help
        Appreciate it!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You're welcome, unfortunately we're limited to what's covered in the manual(s). 

      • Stemphanie_anansu


        It’s just some equations that don’t mention what the products are or how I can get them to decompose quickly.
        My problem is completely unsolvable







    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I've just removed the screen grabs of the manual. 

      Have you tried setting up the model and can't find some values, if that's the case you may need to find them from literature? There are some tutorials and examples in Help, but some of the more specialist material is on the Ansys Learning Hub which there is a charge for. 

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