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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Problems with finding the connections folder

    • Nanna Bach


      I have issues with finding the connections folder. I have looked through many folders and restarted the computer and ansys many times. Do you have any good suggestions for what to do? I am working on a model made of rectangular beams.

    • Kaushal Vadnere
      Ansys Employee



      You can insert connections by:

      1. Select the “Connections” option on ‘Model’ Context tab.


      2. Right Click the on ‘Model’ in the tree or geometry window and Insert > Connections.

      For more help on connections, refer to ansys help: Connections (ansys.com).


    • Sampat Kumar
      Ansys Employee

      Right-click on the model(F4) and see if the connection option is highlighted or not. As I can see from the image it's a single geometry in your analysis that's why it's not highlighting connection folder. You can create two geometry then it will update the connection folder in the mechanical. 

      Best Regards,




    • Nanna Bach

      Thank you!

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