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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Problems with connections/contacts while meshing in Ansys:

    • anajib

      I am modeling a helical pipe encased in a solid medium (backfill). The medium is surrounded by soil. The pipe has water inside.

      I created a hollow pipe and then imported it to Ansys (SpaceClaim). I then created a cylinder surrounding this pipe and used the merge command to get a cylindrical backfill around this pipe and water (body inside the helical pipe). The backfill is surrounded by cylindrical region of soil.

      When I import the model for meshing, multiple contacts are automatically generated. Most of these have unequal number of target to contact faces e.g. Contact 2 has 6 contact faces and 8 target faces. In addition they form overlapping contacts that need to be repaired.

      I wanted to avoid these so I decreased the tolerance value of the auto detection in details of contact. I then get lesser contacts but some still need to repair and suppress some.

      Once I repair them and import the Mesh to Fluent I get this error message:

      Warning: zone of type interior found between different solids!

      Material of cell zone 7 is bckfill, while material of cell zone 8 is hdpe.

      Warning: zone of type interior found between different solids!

      Material of cell zone 7 is bckfill, while material of cell zone 6 is soil.

      This will adversely affect the solution.

      It is recommended that you fix this issue via the TUI command



    • Holger Grotjans
      Ansys Employee

      You can use "Share Topology" in SpaceClaim to get the contacts right in the Geometry already.

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