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probleme with mass conservation

    • Aminaa
      hi, every one nMy problem is a two-dimensional double diffusion problemin square cavity. there is a temperature difference and a concentration difference between vertical walls, and the horizontal wall is adiabatic and impermeable.ni tried to simulate my problem:n- i checked the report flux for the total mass rate i`am surprised because it displayed zero on vertical walls while i imposed mass fraction !!!ni calculated the sherwood number for the right and left walls and i didn`t had a conservationnfor the mixture i used(air+h2o vapor) with imposed physical propertiesnthanksn
    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      1/Where did you check that mass rate report?n2/What do you want to do? Add some screenshots of your case and model/bc settings.n
    • Aminaa
      nthnak you Dr Amine for anwsering,nthe cavity is failed with a mixture of air+13% H2O vapor. The horizontal walls are adiabatics and impermeables, the verticals ones have imposed temperatures and mass fractions.n Th: hot temperaturenYh: hight mass fraction of H2O vapornTc:cold temperaturenYc:low mass fraction of H2O vapor.nfor the mixture i imposed physical properties, with mass diffusivity coef.nnafter runing my case, i checked the conservation mass flux on vertical walls (by report) and it displayed me zero ni do the same thing with heat flux and it display the conservation!!! where is the problem
    • YasserSelima
      is it mass flux of H2O, or mixture?n
    • Aminaa

      is it mass flux of H2O, or mixture?/forum/discussion/comment/103100#Comment_103100

      hi,yasser selima thnaks for reply nit is a H2O fluxn
    • YasserSelima
      This is strange!!nTry decreasing Yc and increasing Yh and see what get!nAlso plot contours of H2O volume fraction and see how it is distributed in the room. May be we can see somethingn
    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      What do you want to do? To add Species through walls?n
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