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Problem with simulating mass transfer in a membrane-based system

    • yassine20soumbati

      hello everybody, I want some help with my problem, as in the picture the system is a direct contact membrane distillation system, where the hot feed enters on the top side evaporates and then diffuses through the membrane, and finally, condensates on the other side (the permeate side). I wanted to know which model should I use in this case (I was thinking about species transport or VOF model) to simulate mass transfer since this first trial only gave me heat transfer simulation. If anyone could help I would appreciate it.

      To give you all a little background, this is my first time working on this software. So please help !! :)

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Membranes are a little difficult. If you search for membranes on here you'll find some of the older threads. 

      • yassine20soumbati

        Yeah I know they are a bit tricky, that is why I wanted to see what are you suggesting to do exactly or where to start at least. I will try to look for the older threads though. Thank you :)


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Typically it's a sink+source using a UDF: very much non-trivial. 

      • yassine20soumbati

        oh I see, thank you !!

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