TAGGED: files-save
September 27, 2024 at 11:50 am258344Subscriber
Hi, i have a problem with opening my files. Can you help me please?
System.IO.IOException: PÅ™Ãstup k cestÄ› session_files byl odepÅ™en.
  at Ansys.Utilities.FuncRetries.Invoke[T1,T2,T3,T4,TResult](Func5 func, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, Int32 numberOfRetries)
4 action, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, Int32 numberOfRetries)
at Ansys.Utilities.FuncRetries.Invoke[T1,T2,T3,T4](Action
  at Ansys.Utilities.FuncRetries.Invoke[T1,T2,T3](Action3 action, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, Int32 numberOfRetries)
2 action, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, Int32 numberOfRetries)
at Ansys.Utilities.FuncRetries.Invoke[T1,T2](Action
  at Ansys.Utilities.FuncRetries.Invoke[T1](Action1 action, T1 arg1, Int32 numberOfRetries)
1& failedFiles)
at Ansys.Utilities.FuncRetries.Invoke(Action action, Int32 numberOfRetries)
at Ansys.Utilities.FileSystem.RemoveDirectoryRecursive(DirectoryInfo directory, List
  at Ansys.Utilities.FileSystem.RemoveDirectoryRecursive(DirectoryInfo directory, List`1& failedFiles)
  at Ansys.Utilities.FileSystem.RemoveDirectoryRecursive(String directoryPath)
  at Ansys.Core.Persistence.Commands.OpenCommand.Execute(IFullContext context)
  at Ansys.Core.Commands.Concurrency.CommandWorkUnit.executeInContext(CommandContext subContext, IExecutionEngineCallback tracer)
  at Ansys.Core.Commands.Concurrency.BaseWorkUnit.doExecute(IExecutionEngineCallback executionEngine, CommandContext subContext)
  at Ansys.Core.Commands.Concurrency.BaseWorkUnit.Execute(IExecutionEngineCallback executionEngine, Boolean dontCatchExceptions)
--- Ansys.Core.Commands.CommandFailedException: PÅ™Ãstup k cestÄ› session_files byl odepÅ™en.
CommandName: Open(FilePath=GetAbsoluteUserPathName("TU Brno racing/ED5/ED5 - CAD/ED5T-0000-newprototype/Topology/ED5T-0300-topol1.wbpj"))
  at Ansys.Core.Commands.CommandAsyncResult.RethrowFailureException(Exception e)
  at Ansys.Core.Commands.CommandAsyncResult.Wait(Int32 milliSecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext)
  at Ansys.Core.Persistence.Commands.OpenCommand.InvokeAndWait(IProtectedContext context, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, String FilePath)
  at Ansys.UI.Standard.ProjectOperationUtility.ProjectOpen(String filePath, Boolean relaunch)
  at Ansys.UI.Standard.AbstractOpenProjectOperation.Invoke(IUserInteractor context)
  at Ansys.UI.GuiOperationContext.Invoke(GuiOperationMetaData operationData)
  at Ansys.UI.UIManager.InvokeOperationCore(String pseudoname, OperationDelegate callback, Boolean allowOSMessages, Boolean coreTransaction, Boolean deferredRefreshOnly) -
September 30, 2024 at 5:10 pmGeorge KarnosAnsys Employee
What Version are you running?
What Operating system?
Does this happen to ALL projects?
What happens if you start a new project?If Windows: close all ANSYS Programs.
then try to run again
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