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Embedded Software

Embedded Software

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Problem with Scade student


    • marcojoel.gonzalez

      Hello, i need help with the following problem. I installed the SCADE Student version three weeks ago from the www.ansys.com/academic/students , the version is Ansys SCADE Student however, when trying o save of simulate, i get the following error, please tell me how to fix.


      Thank you.



    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      What version are you running?
      In the %TEMP%\.ansys directory, you will see licdebug files.
      You can check these for additional license errors. What are the errors?

    • Benjamin Descorps
      Ansys Employee


      Can you download the latest version of the SCADE Student version? You will get an extended license file.

      Hope this helps,


    • marcojoel.gonzalez

      Hello George , hello Benjamin . 

      I've tried everything : uninstall / install but it do not work, still got the same problem . I also looked for the "%TEMP%\.ansys directory"  but it doesen't exist.Other Scade related directorys and filles do exist. 

      What should i do ?  

      I realy want to play with Scade.

      Thank you for you'r help.


    • Benjamin Descorps
      Ansys Employee


      Can you confirm me that you have a STUDENT.lic file in the installation directory of SCADE Student? and what is its content?

      While using the menu Help>About, what is the SCADE Student version used?



    • marcojoel.gonzalez


      Well the only file that have Student is : C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\SCADE Student .

      And the content is : 

      FEATURE SCADE_STUDENT ESTERELD 22.1 31-mar-2025 uncounted HOSTID=DEMO \
      ISSUED=28-sep-2023 SIGN2="0B9A 68E3 CBF0 35D9 E334 9D6A 9E35 \
      3D5F 07FE 4977 370E 1920 C392 5CB6 3A8C 0B5F 7C14 0B98 902E \
      179C 5EC3 344E 3582 BEE4 370C B6F5 6804 1B8E E33C 8A53"
      # NOTE: These licenses are node-locked.
      # You do not need to install a FLEXlm server.
      # Each user must set ESTERELD_LICENSE_FILE to point to this file on disk.
      On the matter of the version i use the : 
      ANSYS(R) SCADE(R) Version Student 2024 R1
      Thank you for you'r help.

    • Benjamin Descorps
      Ansys Employee


      The license file is correct. Can you verify that the environment variable ESTERELD_LICENSE_FILE well point to the file on disk?


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