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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Problem with beams in SC

    • javat33489

      Hi all. How to press beams to a round sheet evenly?

    • peteroznewman

      Create a radial plane through one of the beams and the axis of the cylinder. Select the Beam, click the Move tool, drag the origin of the Move Triad and drop it on the Plane. Click the arrow that is in the direction you want to move. Type U to use the Up To option, then select the cylinder.

      Delete the 7 other beams. Select the Beam, and click on the Move tool. Drag the origin of the Move Triad to the axis of the cylinder. Hold down the Ctrl key while draging on the curved direction of the triad, and type in 45. Repeat 6 times.

      On the Workbench Tab, click the Share button.

    • javat33489

      Type U to use the Up To option, then select the cylinder.

      - Yes, but then the beam moves to the center of the cylinder. Everything else I did. Thanks for the tips, it helps a lot!

    • peteroznewman

      Use the Plane to Split the face of the cylinder, then when you do Up To, you can select that edge on the cylinder.

      • javat33489

        Ok, I'll try! Thank you!

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