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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Problem During meshing in Fluent with meshing.

    • 23mce109


      I am currently working on a project where I have to analyse the cantilever bridge under lateral wind load. 

      I am getting this error during the meshing" 

      error: Breakout detected


      Error: Front could not be closed at e1411 (48.080002 1.824990 1.000000)"

      This is just a small part this is repeating multiple times maybe 600-700 times. Can anyone please improve the geometry/model I will be attaching the spaceclaim model here. and also explain why I am getting this error.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Staff aren't permitted to open or download files/attachments. 

      Check the cell size relative to the geometry and also that it's a sealed volume if you're using Watertight Workflow. 

    • 23mce109

      Sir, can you please explain how I can do this? I have recently started working on this software.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have you done the tutorials? 

    • 23mce109

      No sir, where can I find them?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Click on Help in the solver or https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/public/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/main_page.html?hl=f  and look in Fluent/Fluent Meshing section(s). 

    • 23mce109

      Thankyou sir.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Not forgetting the "Learning" section here, it'll be in Fluids. 

    • 23mce109

      sir is it possible to analyze bridge in the fluent 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Wind, or water, flow around a bridge yes. Whether it's strong enough, sort of using Intrinsic FSI, but you may find Mechanical a better option for that. 

    • 23mce109

      can i do lateral load wind analysis in mechanical? How?


    • 23mce109

      this was the error after i tried meshing. It got stuck on 89%(107/108) for almost 15min. after that i stoped the meshing and got this error


    • 23mce109


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That looks like the geometry needs checking properly. It's likely you have gaps/short edges and meshing is trying to resolve these.

      Wind is just a force, so I assume you can add a load in Mechanical? I cover Fluent and whilst I can get pictures out of Mechanical their usefulness is debatable. 

    • 23mce109

      Sir, I am currently using Ansys, which works with a server license. I have to connect my laptop to the Wi-Fi of my institute to access it. Is there a way to use Ansys with any Wi-Fi or at any location? I would also like to work on the software at home but due to this problem, I am unable to do so.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You just need to be connected to the campus system to see the licence, so check with local IT re a VPN link. But... also check the licence terms as remote use has restrictions. 

      The Student licence is for home learning, but comes with model size (mesh count) limitations. 

    • 23mce109

      I don't think it is a student license but a research-purpose license. I have to connect to the college wifi to access the license server after which I can run the ansys.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Inwhich case you'll need to talk to your IT about VPN. You don't strictly need to be on the college Wifi but do need to be attached to the licence server which is on the campus network. 

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