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Pressure vessel modelling using APDL

    • josef.xerri.21


      I'm modelling a composite pressure vessel using APDL commands. This vessel is made up of 11 layers. The 1st layer is 1mm thick and the rest are 0.6mm thick. The length of the vessel is 100mm.

      I fixed both ends of the vessel, however I can't seem to select the inner curved surface area to apply an internal pressure (last paragraph of the code). I've inserted the code that I wrote so far.


      UIMP, 1, ex, ey, ez, 28.3e3, 5.35e3, 5.35e3
      UIMP, 1, gxy, gyz, gxz, 4.56e3, 3.29e3, 4.56e3
      UIMP, 1, prxy, pryz, prxz, 0.281, 0.305, 0.281
      FC,1,s,xten,522 !F1t strength
      FC,1,s,xcmp,-308 !F1c strength
      FC,1,s,yten,13.3 !F2tstrength
      FC,1,s,ycmp,-74.4 !F2cstrength
      FC,1,s,zten,13.3 !F3t=F3c (large value, do not compute)
      FC,1,s,zcmp,-74.4 !F2cstrength
      FC,1,s,xy,53.1 !F6 strength
      FC,1,s,yz,1e4 !F4 strength (large value do not compute)
      UIMP, 2, ex, ey, ez, 6.01e3, 6.01e3, 6.01e3
      UIMP, 2, gxy, gyz, gxz, 2.27e3, 2.27e3, 2.27e3
      UIMP, 2, prxy, pryz, prxz, 0.31, 0.31, 0.31
      FC,2,s,xten,56.9 !F1t strength
      FC,2,s,xcmp,-101.4 !F1c strength
      FC,2,s,yten,56.9 !F2tstrength
      FC,2,s,ycmp,-101.4 !F2cstrength
      FC,2,s,zten,56.9 !F3t=F3c (large value, do not compute)
      FC,2,s,zcmp,-101.4 !F2cstrength
      FC,2,s,xy,70.1 !F6 strength
      !*ask, n, Number of Layers (1-10), 5
      ET, 1, solid185,,,1
      KEYOPT, 1, 3, 1
      SECTYPE, 1, shell,, jos
      SECDATA, 1, 2, 0, 5, chop
      SECDATA, 0.6, 1, 0, 5, layer
      SECDATA, 0.6, 1, 0, 5, layer
      SECDATA, 0.6, 1, 0, 5, layer
      SECDATA, 0.6, 1, 0, 5, layer
      SECDATA, 0.6, 1, 0, 5, layer
      SECDATA, 0.6, 1, 0, 5, layer
      SECDATA, 0.6, 1, 0, 5, layer
      SECDATA, 0.6, 1, 0, 5, layer
      SECDATA, 0.6, 1, 0, 5, layer
      SECDATA, 0.6, 1, 0, 5, layer
      SECOFFSET, bot
      CYLIND, 7, 14, 0, 100, 0, 360
      esize,2 !Element size 250mm
      ASEL, S, LOC, Z, 0          ! Select the circular area at Z = 0
      NSLA, S                    ! Select nodes on the selected area
      D, ALL, ALL, 0              ! Fix all degrees of freedom (UX, UY, UZ)
      ASEL, S, LOC, Z, 100        ! Select the circular area at Z = 100 (top face)
      NSLA, S                    ! Select nodes on the selected area
      D, ALL, ALL, 0                ! Fix all degrees of freedom (UX, UY, UZ)
      ! Select the inner curved surface area
      ASEL, S, LOC, X, 7    !Select areas with radius R = 7
      ASEL, A, LOC, Y, 0    !Select areas with radius R = 7
      ASEL, A, LOC, Z, 0, 100 !Refine the selection for Z-range from 0 to 100
      NSLA, S                    ! Select nodes on the selected area
      SFA, ALL, 1, PRES, 10
    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee


      Select the cylindrical coordinate system before defining the pressure load.

      CSYS,1,    !To active Cylindrical Coordinate system with global Cartesian Z as the axis of rotation.




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