

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Pressure Ratio v/s Non Dimensional Transient Parameter Plot

    • se23mcme001

      Hi folks,

      I am currently working on a supersonic cavity problem. I want to plot p/p_infinity vs. t*V_infinity/D in Fluent for validating my baseline paper.

      I have values of p_infinity = 101325 Pa; V_infinity & D with me.

      I need help with plotting with these two parameters together.






    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Plotting the above can be done in Fluent but we'd usually plot a variable againt position using xy plots. You may be better off plotting each variable against position and doing the final plot in Excel or the like. 

    • se23mcme001

      I will try... thanks.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If that's time, you can monitor "something" over time and do much the same. I find it's generally easier to manipulate data outside of Fluent, simply as I can more easily change units, and add constants to data. 

    • se23mcme001

      Yes, that's time only... it should be flow time only, right? remaining two are constants

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, flow time only from Fluent. Monitor pressure(?) against time & then into Excel. 

    • se23mcme001

      thanks, i will try and update

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