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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Pressure Outlet Definition for Accurate Sloshing Simulation

    • Yahya Balouchi

      Hello everyone,

      I have seen some tutorials on sloshing simulations, and almost all of them defined a pressure outlet even though it does not exist in the real geometry. What is the reason behind that? In my case, I want to specifically analyze the pressure change during sloshing, so defining a pressure outlet would not be an option. However, when I do not define a pressure outlet, the sloshing does not happen. What can I do to resolve this problem? It is worth noting that I changed the liquid and gas phases to compressible fluids, but nothing has changed.

    • Prashanth
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, I don't understand. If your sloshing model does not have a pressure boundary, you need not use it or vice versa. You can have a closed domain if you want, move the cell zone, and still simulate sloshing. Compressible liquid equations like Tait's is not needed, unless the pressures are high as such, like hydraulics etc..

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