

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Pressure outlet

    • vipul.gupta

      I am simulating fluid flow. At the inlet of domain, i am giving mass flow rate inlet boundary conditions. At outlet, I am giving pressure outlet boundary condition with a static/gauge pressure using UDF (because the outlet face has inclination) I have a query regarding the sign of pressure formulation term. Should it be negative or positive?


    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Pressure in Fluent is given as gauge pressure, so it will be relative to the Operating Pressure set in Fluent. The sign will depend on this Operating Pressure.

    • vipul.gupta

      Thanks for your response. 

      I am using operating pressure value equal to 101325 pa. My query is on sign, 

      whether I should use -dens*g*y or dens*g*y ?

      I am asking because y=x[1] provide the y coordinate with sign (outlet is on the negative y) . So, should I add minus sign in the F_PROFILE formulation to make pressure positive? 

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