

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Pressure Contour lines graph

    • Aye Sandar Kyaw

      Hello everyone!

      I am having difficulty how to plot the graph like the following figure.

      Currently, I run single-phase non-cavitating flow under different mainstream velocities. I want to express my results to be clear about how pressure changes.

      Do I need to use specific software to get the figures like this?

      Moreover, I don't want to plot the whole domain. I just want to plot the flow around the hydrofoil. Please provide me with how I can export the data for the selected region.

      I tried to find it, but I was so confused because I am not familiar at all.

      Thanks in advance!



    • RK
      Ansys Employee


      You should be able to plot this in Fluent, EnSight and CFD Post. EnSight has more flexibility in terms of creating subparts (in case you don't have a split domain in Fluent to plot the contours) and then plotting contours. EnSight can take Fluent files or you can also export solution data in .encas format. Please see user's guide for more information. 

    • Aye Sandar Kyaw


      Thank you so much for your comment. 
      I will try to do.

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