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Post-Processing Stress Using APDL


    • Nick Jankowski

      Hello all,

      I'm rather new to using APDL, and would like to write a command that takes each component in the geometry tree, finds the max stress of only that component, and stores it in a table that is exported. What I'm having difficulty in understanding is how APDL finds and initializes each component, or an easy way to loop over every component in an assembly. The error I keep getting is 'Component is not defined' and I believe it's because APDL doesn't know where to pull the name from? Any help is appreciated

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee




      It is outside what we (ansys empl.) can help here with (provide apdl code for this).


      Perhaps other forum members can help.


      There is a post that does this using Mechanical scripting though.


      Below is also a course and info on mehanical scripting:


      Hope it all helps.





    • Nick Jankowski


      That post is really helpful! But I don't think the script runs properly. I have been attempting to rename each body 'under the hood' of Ansys and use the new name (body_1,body_2...) to post-process results easily in APDL. However, now Ansys is returning the error: 

       Empty parentheses.                                                     
       *** ERROR ***                           CP =       0.062   TIME= 15:09:41
       The above error occurred processing field= BODY.GETGEOBODY().ID        

      I've looked through the documentation of GetGeoBody().Id and I feel as though I'm deploying it correctly? Here is the snippet of code:
      for body in bodies:       
          if body.Suppressed is False:
              nb_bodies += 1
              with Transaction():
                  new_snippet = body.AddCommandSnippet()
                  string1 = 'body_'+str(nb_bodies) + ' = body.GetGeoBody().Ids \n'
    • Nick Jankowski

      Got it working! Had to do some rearranging

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